Radiator is the part of the engine cooling system that excess combustion heat is lost to atmosphere by means of forced convection using a circulating liquid such as water or water/glycol to affect heat transfer.
To transfer waste heat energy to the cooling air at a rate that will maintain the safe operating engine coolant temperatures.
Radiator Work System
Core Structure
The coolant passes through the water jacket inside the engine and the radiator, taking in the heat at the water jacket, and dissipating the heat to the ambient at the radiator.
The coolant is circulated by water pump. The flow of coolant to the Radiator is regulated by high, coolant flows into the radiator (the heat exchanger portion), and when the coolant is cold, thermostat bypasses the coolant to regulate the temperature.
Down Flow Type
Available Core Depth Size (mm): 16, 22, 26, 32, 42
With oil cooler and without oil cooler
Cross Flow Type
Available Core Depth Size (mm): 16, 22, 26, 32, 42
With oil cooler and without oil cooler